Location :
Brgy. Tanagan, Calatagan, Batangas, 132 kms away from Manila
Lotarea 1.5hectares
Selling price Php 800/sqm

TCP : Php 12,000,000
The farm is 1.5km away from the highway. A certain portion of the road near the highway is cemented, the rest are uncemented. The place is accessible thru tricycle or private vehicle.

The farm is gated with barbed wire and mahogany trees.
Have water system to facilitate watering of the plants.
Old 2 Br Cemented house and Bamboo Rest House
Assorted trees are classified as:
60 plus assorted mango trees
Queenn Mango
King Mango
Indian Mango
5 Langka trees
3 madre Cacao trees
2 Castañas
25 Chico trees
5 guava
1500 Mahogany trees
6 Old Molave Trees
30 young Molave trees
8 Narra Trees
20 siniguelas trees
2 Sampaloc Trees
Contact your Licensed Broker in town
09178448800 / 09189387890
[email protected]