Lot area: 120 sq.m
Price per sq.m: 6,500
Total Contract Price: 780,000
20% Cash Downpayment: 156,000
80% Balance: 624,000
1st yr. 0 interest 10,400
2nd - 5th yr. @ 14% p.a. 13,638
Transfer of Title: 6.5% of TCP (50,700)
Phase 2C
Lot area: 199 sq.m
Price per sq.m: 6,000
Total Contract Price: 1,194,000
20% Cash Downpayment: 238,800
80% Balance: 955,200
1st yr. 0 interest 15,920
2nd - 5th yr. @ 14% p.a. 20,877
Transfer of Title: 6.5% of TCP (77,610)
Call/Text me for more info & site visit sched:
Saida Acob
PRC Lic.# 001460