Jasmine Basic
Pag ibig Housing Home Loan
House and Lot Prices: P1,700,000.00
Lot Area: 70
Floor Area: 65.50
Loan Value: P1,676,000.00
Equety: P24,000.00 6months to pay P4,000.00 (0% interest)
1 year to pay P2,132.37 ()% interest)
Pag ibig Monthly Amortazation
30 years to pay P16,437.62 at 11.375% interest per annum (GMI P16,437.62)
25 years to pay P14,708.10 at 10.000% interest per annum (GMI P14,708.10)
20 years to pay P14,307.21 at 9.675%interest per annum (GMI P14,307.21)
15 years to pay P13,952.31 at 9.385% interest per annum (GMI P13,952.31)
10 years to pay P13,215.04 at 8.775% interest per annum (GMI P13,214.04)
5 years to pay P12,094.05 at 7.825% interest per annum GMI P12,094.05)
3 years to pay P11.133.59 at 6.895% interest per annum (GMI P11,133.59)
Processing Fee: P135,000.00
Less Res. Fee: P10,000.00
12months to pay P10,416.67 (0% interest)
6months to pay P20,833.33 (0% interest)
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