The Ilustrata Residences Residentail Condominium is found in Boni Serrano, Santolan Road it's terribly close to shopping center in Greenhills close to EDSA, Santolan Station. it's a land area of 1.2 hectares,. composed of half dozen Mid-rise Residential condominium building. with 44.5 Meters to 53 meters tall, 12- 15 floor with double loaded corridors with ventilation.
The Location of Ilustrata Residences is a section with an Illustrious heritage or �old-rich� representational process and charm a relaxed residential atmosphere, distinctive advantage of being inside the center of the city but detached from the uproarious, engorged and impure CBD life-style, Key places of interest in immediate neighbourhood like CBDs, commercial centers, schools, hospitals, religious centers, High Accessibility via public transportation. it\'s strategic location on schools and colleges, La Salle green Hills, O.B. Montessori Greenhills,Saint Pedro Poveda college, Immaculate Conception Academy, St. Paul college, Quezon City, Xavier school, Ateneo de Manila.
Total Contract Price- 2,700,000
Reservation Fee- 20,000
Net Downpayment- 115,000 payable in 6 months
Monthly Equity/DP- 19,166.69
Loanable Amount- 2,565,000
Monthly Amortization- 21,454.69 20 years to pay
We also have studio-type unit @ 15,447.38