PLAYA CALATAGANboasts of a frontage of 525 meters of fine sand located at the center of Calatagan’s best swimming beaches, quite literally Calatagan, Beach.
Property Characteristic :
Best Swimming Beach in Calatagan
525 meters of Fine White Sand
Accessibility 2.5 hours drive from Manila
Excellent View of South China Sea
Rolling to gradually sloping terrain
Village Amenities
Beach Clubhouse
Hilltop Clubhouse
Central park
Bamboo Park
Village Reception/ Administration Building
Lot Prices:
Phase 1
Area: 274sqm – 450sqm
TCP: Php 3,973,000 – Php 6,525,000
Phase 2B
Area: 408sqm – 582sqm
TCP: Php 7,548,000 – Php 11,438,000
Phase 3
Area: 295sqm – 400sqm
TCP: Php 3,982,500 – Php 5,720,000
Phase 4
Area: 258sqm – 406sqm
TCP: Php 3,741,000 – Php 5,481,000
Realtor Gloryby B. Maula
Mobile #:09189387890 or 09178448800
Landline: (02) 5468568 / (043) 4190133