lot for sale in cavite
Orchard Golf & Country Estates
Along Aguinaldo Hway, Dasmarinas Cavite
Advantages of Investing/Living in Dasmarinas Cavite?
+ First class urban urban municipality in the province Cavite,
+ Dasmari as, Cavite is outside the typhoon belt and has no fault line constraints.
Further, it is served by natural drainage system since it is traversed by several rivers and water tributaries draining to the Manila Bay. The town has not yet to experienced floods.""(Wikipedia)
+ 30 km south of Manila
+ 30 minutes to Tagaytay
+ 30 minutes to Manila
+ Classified as University town DLSU-UMC, others
Two Grand Clubhouses
Olympic Type Swimming Pools
2000 seating capacity Basketball gym
Professional Standard 12-lane tenpin
And Duckpin bowling centers
Open and covered flexipaved and
Shell tennis court facilities
Locker Rooms
Restaurant With Bar
Coffee shop and fine Dining
Pro-shop for Sport Facilities
2,500 Fruit Bearing mango trees
Man-made and natural Lakes
Underground Tunnel
Pro-shop for sport accessories
Physical fitness center
vSatellite Parabular dish system
24-hour Security Services
Two 18-hole championship class
Golf Courses
Residential lot: ALL PHASES
23,000/sqm - inner lot
23,560/sqm - corner lot
Reservation Fee: Php 20,000
Fairway lot SLRDI
38,000/sqm - inner lot
38,560/sqm - corner lot
Reservation Fee: Php 20,000
Available in other size / cut of lots, inquire for the computation & availability.
30% downpayment up to 3 months only
70% balance payable in 2 years no interest
or 5 years at 14% interest P.A.
For more details, lot availability, and for your personal tour of our Open Lots For Sale, please kindly direct me to my contact details.
M: 0960 396 5996; 0952 473 0605 - Smart/Viber/WhatsApp