Ajoya is envisioned to be a community that reflects the true you, as it echoes Filipino values of community living. This community will flourish with a distinct modern Filipino feel as a charming village in Gabi, Cordova; just minutes away from the airport, world-renowned beaches plus several schools. Ajoya is a 15-hectare masterplaned development with a central amenity area featuring an open-type clubhouse with barbeque pits, playing courts, a leisure pool, and a picnic area. All amenities are designed to showcase a Filipino-themed gathering area that reinforces a strong community feel. Several types of houses constructed using shear wall technology are ready for your choosing – shophouses, townhouses, duplex, 1 storey single detached, 2-storey single detached (medium), 2 storey single detached (large).
1. SINAYA - Shophouses
- P 3.41 M (finished) , P2.87 M (bare)
2. HALIYA - 2 Storey Single Detached - Large
- P 2.92M (finished), P2.54M (bare)
3. MUHEN - 2 Storey Single Detached- Meduim
- P2.58M (finished), P2.21M (bare)
4. YUMI - 2 Storey Duplex Unit
- P1.83 M (finished) , P1.57 M (bare)
5. NABI - 2 Storey Townhouse
- P2.13M (finished), P1.83 M (bare)
6. DELAN - 1 Storey Single Detached Unit
- P1.85 M (finished), P 1.67 M (bare)
Should you have any question feel free to email me.