Along Marcos Highway, Sampaloc, Tanay, Rizal
Price/sqm: 200.00/sqm - negotiable
Total Area: 94,228 sqm.
FOR SALE: Lot / Land / Farm - Rizal > Other areas
The farm lot is located along Marcos Highway.
It is composed of 4 lots (lot a, 43,310 sqm, lot a.1 901 sqm, lot b 35,090 sqm, lot c 16,927 sqm)
8x13 meters 3 Bedroom bungalow house located at lot A.
More than 100 pcs of full grown and fruit bearing trees
More than 2,000 pcs of chestnut trees and some are fruit bearing trees
More than 350 pcs of full grown coconut trees with monthly copra income of more than 10,000.00
More than 1,500 pcs of 3-4 years old coconut trees
Assorted coffee, langka, santol and hi-bred rambutan fruit bearing trees